I’m new to giving charitably; what are some basic principles I should keep in mind?

  1. Small gifts matter. No monthly amount is too small or too big; receiving lots of smaller amounts like $25—$50 really does add up and helps expand the breadth of our support team.
  2. Deferred giving is possible. You may pledge now and begin giving at whatever time works best for your budget.
  3. Giving doesn’t have to be hard. Supporting us might be as simple as adding an extra cell phone payment or as challenging as adding a small car loan.
  4. Cheerful gifts honor God. Give what God has put on your heart to give because God tells us He loves "a cheerful giver."
  5. Generous gifts honor God. Give generously because those who sow generously will also reap generously.
  6. Gifts to this work should not replace giving to your home church. Do not give at the expense of your own local church, but give a gift above and beyond the tithe.
  7. Think of the long-term investment. Remember that your gift has long term benefits but only a short term cost; we're seeking pledges over the course of three years, money which we believe will enable the church to be self-supporting by the end of next year.
  8. Giving creates a spiritual partnership with spiritual benefits. Remember that your gift to us will bring spiritual dividends into your life, not the least of which would include our own prayers for you and what care and support we can offer as our ministry friends and partners.

If you find these principles instructive, please click here to read about different ways to give to Mercy Hill.