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Mercy Hill Family Advocate

Mercy Hill is excited to partner with a local non-profit agency to provide practical support for families in our congregation or who people in our community know. This is a bridge-kind of effort that straddles our own developing diaconal/mercy ministry and also our desire to be helpful to people around us who have practical, physical needs.

Here's how it works:

The Mercy Hill Family Advocate will work in conjunction with the Family Strengthening Network and the leadership of Mercy Hill to serve both the congregation at Mercy Hill and the local community by assisting those who are in need by helping them to set goals and find resources in areas of need—whether these be financial, family, addiction, or career-related.

The Network is funded by the Pascale Sykes foundation; the newspaper wrote about them here.

If you're interested, the Family Advocate will be available to consult with anyone who desires help on Monday nights from 5-9 and Saturday afternoons from 1-5.

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