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New City Fellowship Summer Internship

New City Fellowship is a sister PCA church in Atlantic City, NJ. They are looking for a full time summer intern to assist with various ministries at New City Fellowship and HOPE for Atlantic City (i.e. weeknight Bible Clubs, mercy projects, and campus / facilities oversight). Some of the qualifications are a Christian with a passion for God and His Glory; a team player that possesses a flexible and pioneering spirit; a track record of being spiritually faithful, available, teachable and hungry; a willingness to submit to, promote and grow in appreciation for HOPE’s/NCF’s core values and vision while participating in this internship. The expectations for this summer internship are the intern is able to raise 100% of his/her financial and prayer support needed for this internship; approximately 40 hours a week dedicated to ministry responsibilities; a consistent effort for healthy communication and submission to other leaders and staff.

If you are interested in this internship, please click here for more information.

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