Reading Deeper

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    A29 Timeline

    This graphic lays out a sample timeline for church planting, starting at conception, going all the way through the training of leaders and the public launch.
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    Am I a Church Planter?

    Scott Thomas, a leader in the Acts 29 church planting network, has published a brief article that asks a simple question: "Am I a church planter?" This kind of assessment is key to determining whether a man has been called to this particular kind of patoral ministry. It is also helpful for a layperson involved in church planting to ask some of these questions of himself or herself.
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    Being a Missional Church

    This short article succinctly defines a much-bandied about word in church planting circles: "missional." It also provides an overview on how an established church can begin moving in this direction. The author, Tim Keller, is pastor at Redeemer Church (PCA) in Manhattan.
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    Centrality of the Gospel

    This short article by Tim Keller argues that the Gospel must be central to the church's ministry, and to every ministry in the church.
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    This paper by Dave Harvey of the Sovereign Grace Church movement/denomination (CJ Mahaney) offers a thoroughly biblical and Christ-centered overview of what missions is all about, and why we are called to "enter the field of the Lord."
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    Missional vs. Church Growth

    Missionary, Church Planting Coach, and pastor Gailyn Van Rheenen desires all churches to be missional, that is (by his definintion), "theologically formed, and Christ-centered." This is a challenging, but pastoral call to a God-centered approach to church planting and missions.
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    To Transform a City

    Eric Swanson, a contemporary thinker in the field of city transformation and world missions writes, "To Transform a City," a challenging article that addresses the importance of mercy ministry for Christians and for churches intent on making an impact with the Gospel.
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    Why Plant Churches?

    This short, five-page, article explains the rationale for planting churches from the perspective of a vision for God's expanding kingdom in the 21st century. The author, Tim Keller, is pastor at Redeemer Church (PCA) in Manhattan.