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Mercy Hill Pastoral Internship Program

Mercy Hill's Pastoral Internship Program (PIP) is designed to equip, train, and prepare men for pastoral ministry as well as help clarify a pastoral calling on the manʼs life. 

The next course begins in September 2013 and ends in June 2014. A maximum of five men will be allowed entrance into the PIP per two semester period. 

One of the main goals if the PIP is to examine and clarify a calling to ministry. Often times a calling to pastoral ministry is difficult to discern alone. 

The ultimate hope of the PIP is not to grow our brains but to grow our hearts and our affections for God, as well as learn how to think deeply about Him, His church, and pastoral ministry in general.

If you are a man who is unsure of a specific calling to pastoral ministry but sense a desire to apply, please feel free to do so, here.


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